160 Americans Died & Over 10,000 Infected with Covid-19 Despite being Fully Vaccinated says CDC, but Claims it is Rare!

Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!

India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too, What About SA? China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!

W.H.O. Director General Tells The World To Stay Locked Down While China Gets A Headstart in Global Economy! 845,000 Sign Petition for his Resignation!

VIDEO: “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections as Cyril & The Pro China Left Try Bullsh*t The Virus With Virtue Signalling & PC Speeches!

“Africa is #CoronaVirus’ Most Vulnerable Target” Because a Million Chinese Work in Africa, Where They Probably Can’t Even Diagnose The Virus!