Amid the high crime rate, loss of job security, and political uncertainty, South Africans are leaving the country in significant numbers looking for greener pastures. On tonight’s episode of Carte Blanche (available for expats to stream from Tuesday), presenter Derek Watts looks at the rising number of skilled and educated South Africans – from medical..
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The Great Migration: Hordes of Skilled South Africans Are Leaving SA’s Sunny Shores
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Marthinus van Schalkwyk Suid-Afrika se nuwe hoëkommissaris in Australië
Marthinus van Schalkwyk, voormalige minister van toerisme en eertydse premier van die Wes-Kaap, is Suid-Afrika se nuwe hoëkommissaris in Australië. Die 59-jarige Van Schalkwyk, wat die laaste paar jaar Suid-Afrika se ambassadeur in Athene, Griekeland, was, het Dinsdag in Canberra, die Australiese hoofstad, sy geloofsbriewe aan sir Peter Cosgrove, dié land se goewerneur-generaal, oorhandig. Van..
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Going abroad shouldn’t have to mean that you get cut off from all the local content that you enjoy – How to catch South African sports and shows abroad
In 2016, a report by PPS—an investment, insurance, financial planning and healthcare firm for graduate professionals—indicated that 54% of South African graduates plan to move abroad for work within five years of graduating. Moreover, the report goes on to state that 69% of those who intend to move will also make a point of staying..
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How many overseas voters will take part, and where they’re voting from for the 2019 Elections
A record number of overseas voters have applied to vote in the 2019 Elections. Here’s where they are all from, with some surprises thrown in. The 2019 Elections are just around the corner, and the thrill of the democratic process is gripping South Africa. But you don’t have to be in this country to make..
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Suid-Afrikaners wat oorsee werk, moet maar solank hul belastingsake in orde kry want Jan-taks “kom” vir hulle
Van 1 Maart 2020 sal Suid-Afrikaanse belastingbetalers wat in die buiteland werk aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens belasting moet betaal op hul buitelandse inkomste wanneer dit meer as R1 miljoen oorskry. Dis nog net meer as ’n jaar voordat nuwe belastingreëls vir buitelandse werk in werking gestel word, maar belastingadviseurs meen mense moet nou al voorberei…
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Twee Suid-Afrikaners sterf tragies in noodlottige ongeluk in die oorlog geteisterde Jemen
Johan den Haan en Pieter Schoeman, ’n pa van drie, is Sondag te same met drie ander buitelanders is in ’n landmyn-ongeluk dood. Hul span was uitgekontrakteer om landmyne by Maa’rib aan die grens tussen Jemen en Saoedi-Arabië onskadelik te stel en te verwyder. Hulle almal het gesterf toe tegnici ’n vrag landmyne gelaai het..
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Suid-Afrikaner wat weens beweerde terrorisme in Mosambiek aangehou is, is onder raaiselagtige omstandighede oorlede
André Hanekom, die Suid-Afrikaner wat meer as ses maande lank in aanhouding in Mosambiek was, is Woensdagoggend onder raaiselagtige omstandighede dood. Foto: Verskaf “Hulle het my pa verwoes en toe doodgemaak,” het ’n emosionele Andrie, Hanekom se dogter, aan Netwerk24 gesê. Volgens Andrie het haar ma, Francis, Woensdagoggend omstreeks 04:00 ’n oproep ontvang wat haar..
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It’s not just medical staff looking to find their place in the sun elsewhere in the world, as statistics show that more and more whites are leaving South Africa
It is not just only the dozens of medical staff leaving the country to find happiness and new beginnings somewhere else, as statistics show that more and more whites are leaving the South-Africa. Among the main reasons being stated are the never-ending corruption, the persistent violence that becomes unsustainable, and the unemployment rate that forces..
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South Africa’s big expat tax is coming – major changes to be introduced in tax exemption on South African expatriates
In 2017 the National Treasury and SARS announced that they would be introducing major changes in the tax exemption on South African expatriates. According to Claudia Aires Apicella, head of Financial Emigration at Tax Consulting SA, the legislative amendment is set to come into effect on 1 March 2020. It states that South African tax..
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A look at the unique Afrikaans community of Patagonia, Argentina To many, Patagonian Afrikaans is a relic of the past – Against the odds, however, a renaissance has begun
The Patagonian desert in southern Argentina is a harsh environment. Little seems to thrive on its seemingly endless red plains and parched land. Yet in this unlikely place there is a unique bilingual community. It’s made up of the Afrikaans and Spanish-speaking descendants of the about 650 South African Boers, who came to Patagonia in..
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