JOE BIDEN ADMITTED HE WANTS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITE AMERICANS! In 2015, as Vice President on a trip to Brazil, VP Joe Biden said: “a wave of an unrelenting stream of migrants, non stop… non stop… and we don’t want to stop it… the wave should continue till whites in USA will be the absolute minority… whites will be an absolute minority in US by 2017! By 2017, those of us of European stock will be an absolute minority in the United States of America,” Biden said this at a State Department luncheon for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Biden added that that’s “not a bad thing, that’s a good thing and we should be proud of it!” Amazing that this genocidal psychopath is so keen, or so dim, that he even believed the 2017 estimate…
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VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!
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Video: “Whites Must Denounce Themselves!” – Biden Fights Racism & Lawlessness with Racism & Lawlessness!
Genocidal Joe Biden said he wants “an unrelenting stream of migrants, non stop… non stop… till whites in USA will be the absolute minority, that’s a good thing.” The Texas Attorney General who has just won a lawsuit against Biden’s plan to freeze deportation of migrant criminals, has called Biden’s actions a “Seditious Left Wing Insurrection!” This was confirmed by The Times columnist Melanie Phillips, who said measures announced by Biden, via a flood of executive orders, introduce “injustice, racism and lawlessness” to the country.
Joe Biden, who criticized all Trump’s Executive Orders, has now hypocritically issued a whole raft of new executive orders himself, within his first week in office, with many of them reversing his predecessor, Donald Trump’s key policies.
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Video: Emperor Biden, the Racist Hypocrite, Bans Travel From South Africa! Is He Targeting Afrikaners That He Hates So Much?
“It’s only fine when we do it” – Biden and every Democrat called Trump a racist when he banned travel from Africa, now Biden is doing the exact same thing, even after Trump lifted the ban! We have to wonder though, does Biden’s intense hatred for Afrikaners have anything to do with it?
What makes it worse, crazed Biden is opening up the Southern Border for travel from South America, where thousands of illegals are converging, which will no doubt cause a Covid nightmare…
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VIDEO: Firehose of Evidence from Millions of Americans That Mainstream is Hiding, Proving Democrats Changed More Votes Than Putin Ever Did!
#Smartmatic voting software robbed #Venezuela of its democracy and SmartMatic voting software is banned in Philippines for involvement with election fraud too! Why was #USA2020 using it? Who purchased it? Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Says Election will Be Overturned: “We Have Proof I Can’t Disclose Yet“
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VIDEO: Trump WILL Make Fools of Mainstream Media & Hollywood Again in 2020 for Two Reasons: The #Deplorables & The #Economy, Stupid!
As this video compilation of loud mouth Never Trump Liberals below shows, Mainstream Media & Hollywood made total fools of themselves in 2016, openly spouting their hatred for the normal man on the street, who voted Trump.
#USA2020 is no different, a
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VIDEO: “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Are Being Brainwashed into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Global Jihad!
BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Parties in America! While white South Africans are used to racebaiting and being attacked and blamed for everything, the ramp up in the africanisation of USA (and Europe) has taken Americans by surprise. So who is paying for and stoking this race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years the well funded “anti-racism” campaign has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still protected and is pushed further and further left, and now the Council of Islamic American Relations (CAIR) comes out openly admitting that they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! This should not be a shock to the well informed, because we already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the “anti-racism” movement and antifa. Are Muslims in South Africa also secretly using blacks to attack whites?
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Expats: Customs Requirements For Entry To America
Household goods and other personal belongings owned and used for at least one year may be taken into America duty free. A complete list of items and valuations is necessary. Items must remain in your possession for at least one year after your arrival in America. Disposing of them in any way during the first..
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Wat jy nodig het om oorsese burgerskap te ‘koop’
Europese programme vir internasionale burgerskap was tot dusver gewild onder Suid-Afrikaners omdat dit dikwels gekoppel is aan ’n belegging in eiendom in die lande en mense dit as minder riskant beskou. Só sê Marc J. Sharpe van die private-ekwiteitsmaatskappy LCR Capital Partners, wat Suid-Afrikaanse beleggers bystaan om ’n EB-5-visum vir permanente verblyfreg in Amerika te..
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5 reasons why America is a great place to call home
Despite some media bashing, America is still considered one of the best places to emigrate to. Here’s why. 1. The standard of living is pretty high – even if you’re not a big earner People are looked after in the States. Food and clean water are available to everyone, which is more than can be..
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Expats in the USA aim to secure our future as ethnic group in South Africa
The wheels are rolling to take the ANC government to task in the USA, through a two-phased action. Through expats in the USA, Front National’s adv Jurg Prinsloo and FN international liaison officer Catryn Bosman will collaborate with an USA law firm and two Republican Congresswomen. The newest is that our statements and information have..
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