South Africans know that Cuban Doctors and Engineers are just a money laundering scheme where our taxpayers’ money is given directly to the Castro regime in Cuba. As former US Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo mentioned last year, Cuban doctors and engineers receive only 10% of the money from the Cuban regime. Furthermore, Old Havana may be a popular place for tourists visiting Cuba, but it is also a place where residents experience water shortages daily. Solidarity has meanwhile sent a list of more than 120 unemployed yet capable and willing South African engineers to Minister Lindiwe Sisulu.
VIDEO: Cuba Dysfunctional But SA Imports Cuban Engineers? It is Just Money Laundering! Should SA Send Solidarity’s 120 Engineers to Cuba?
VIDEO: A Year Ago You Thought Ramaphosa was Joking When he Said he Would Extend Lockdown for a Whole Year? NEVER Underestimate the Evil of Socialism!
WAS IT ALL PLANNED? A year ago, when Ramaphosa announced that lockdown would last till 16 April, he joked privately with some friends on a video call, that he meant the lockdown would last till April 16 next year (2021)! It is very scary that he was even aware of such a thing being possible… was it all planned in advance? To be joking about something that had the whole nation and world gripped in fear, seemed very callous and out of place at the time, but clearly he was aware of something we were not… who briefed him on the plan?
Did instructions come from a higher power overseas?
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VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?
#TheLeftLies: Did you fall for it? It is all smoke and mirrors as the left, Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State swamp manufacture Biden’s faux popularity, like they manufactured his election, yet in reality when you step back from Social Media and Mainstream Media imperialism and bias, Biden is the most unpopular “most popular” Prez! Youtube and Big Tech have been actively trying to censor the truth of Biden’s UNpopularity coming out, by deleting dislikes to all his vids, on various channels. On one video as much as 70% of the dislikes were deleted to make him appear popular! Likewise, over Valentine the biased mainstream media gushed about a “Love Story” in the Whitehouse? They seem to forget how Joe and Jill met. How did they meet? Well, Joe cheated on his wife and friend, and Jill cheated on her husband (Joe’s friend). Sounds like a love story made in hell, but cheating fits the narrative of the liberal left just fine.
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Video: “Whites Must Denounce Themselves!” – Biden Fights Racism & Lawlessness with Racism & Lawlessness!
Genocidal Joe Biden said he wants “an unrelenting stream of migrants, non stop… non stop… till whites in USA will be the absolute minority, that’s a good thing.” The Texas Attorney General who has just won a lawsuit against Biden’s plan to freeze deportation of migrant criminals, has called Biden’s actions a “Seditious Left Wing Insurrection!” This was confirmed by The Times columnist Melanie Phillips, who said measures announced by Biden, via a flood of executive orders, introduce “injustice, racism and lawlessness” to the country.
Joe Biden, who criticized all Trump’s Executive Orders, has now hypocritically issued a whole raft of new executive orders himself, within his first week in office, with many of them reversing his predecessor, Donald Trump’s key policies.
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Video: Emperor Biden, the Racist Hypocrite, Bans Travel From South Africa! Is He Targeting Afrikaners That He Hates So Much?
“It’s only fine when we do it” – Biden and every Democrat called Trump a racist when he banned travel from Africa, now Biden is doing the exact same thing, even after Trump lifted the ban! We have to wonder though, does Biden’s intense hatred for Afrikaners have anything to do with it?
What makes it worse, crazed Biden is opening up the Southern Border for travel from South America, where thousands of illegals are converging, which will no doubt cause a Covid nightmare…
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus”…
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
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Suid-Afrikaner steeds in Dubai gestrand oor Gupta-video
Die Suid-Afrikaner wat Ajay Gupta in Dubai in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate verfilm het, is ná maande wat hy in Dubai gestrand is, steeds nie op pad huis toe nie. Justin van Pletzen en sy twee medebeskuldigdes, wie se name nie bekend gemaak is nie, het Donderdag weer in ’n hof in Dubai verskyn om..
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Sakeman van Suid-Afrika glo in Dubai in arres oor Gupta-video
Justin van Pletzen, die sakeman wat verlede week ’n video van Ajay Gupta in Dubai geneem het, is glo in Dubai in hegtenis geneem.
Volgens News24 hou dit glo verband daarmee dat hy sonder die nodige toestemming ’n video-opname gemaak het. Kyk die video hier.
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